Friday, November 18, 2011

Altered Aural States

Ever see the movie Altered States? Well Brainworlds has been releasing music that pretty much serves as a soundtrack to the sensory deprivation tank scenes.

Brainworlds is one Mason Brown from Atlanta who has 6 releases so far (that I know of) under the Brainworlds moniker. Each one consists of two long form songs that in his own words "works to envelop the listener in sheets of meditative sound and delve deep into the subconscious to explore the hidden relationships between the micro and the macro. Towering waves of electric harmony are the vessel in which the journey from myopia is made. Devoid of the constraints of time and gravity, the music of •Brainworlds• floats in the metaphysical realm where mind and universe coalesce."

So, climb into the tank and regress.

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